The design brief acts as a guide and set of instructions on the problem you are trying to solve. The format of this brief is similar to what professional designers receive from their clients to let them know what they want to happen and why. Designers must do lots of research to make sure they approach the problem in a considered but creative way, that is what you will be doing this week!
Click here to download brief
Getting started with Miro: Board basics | Miro Academy
Some guidance on how to navigate and use Miro:
Getting started with Miro: Collaboration
Getting started with Miro: Collaboration | Miro Academy
Power to the People
Powerful and pioneering women from the V&A collections
Power of Protest
The recordings from TED Conferences – TED talks are a wonderful resource for whatever topic you are researching. Here is a grouping of videos under the heading ‘The Power of Protest’. With sites such as this, you may at first wish to research big terms like power but as you get more focused on the direction your project is taking you may wish to come back to the website and research new terms for further inspiration.
Power of Love
Power of Words
Write for Rights
Inner Power
Know Your Superpowers
Exhibition Glendalough: Power, Prayer and Pilgrimage,-Prayer-and-Pilgrimage
Fueling Power
Energy Producing Wellie Boots
Exhibition: The car: petrol, power & pollution
Desert Power ; )
You can find inspiration any and everywhere. Many of the most original ideas in modern society started off as content on sci-fi book, tv and films.
Harnessing Power
Power Cut-resilient Incubator
Beach Umbrella Solar-power Cooling Refrigeration
Green Power
Biotech is the New Digital
Portable Lantern that can be Charged with Saltwater or Urine
Self-sustaining ecosystem – tomato plant
User Groups
User groups
A user is anyone who interacts with a designed intervention, or is directly or indirectly affected by its function”. When considering users, it is best to identify user groups and to develop a persona around a representative of that group. Get to know the user by researching them as much as you can and then doing really detailed descriptions of them and their NEEDS. NEEDS may be very obvious, or quite hidden.
Design/Design Thinking
Design Thinking is an approach that is applied to meet needs and solve people’s business, social and everyday problems. Design Thinking has become an important way of doing business for many organisations of all sizes.
Design Thinking has a number of characteristics:
- It is a process, not a series of one-off activities
- It is a philosophy which puts the user at the centre
- It focuses on problem solving
- It considers great ideas as only one part of the process
- It is mostly performed in groups
- It is iterative – you keep going back to go forward
At DICE_TY Academy, you will apply a Design Thinking process called UNIQUE – Understand |Needs | Ideas | Quick Prototype | Use | Evaluate
Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services. Creativity plus work equals innovation. Innovation isn’t solely represented by new devices, ideas or methods, but also by the process of uncovering new ways to do things (Henderson 2017). Innovation doesn’t have to be the next Google or Microsoft with massive public relations behind it. A quote from a CIO Magazine article called "What Really Makes Something Innovative?" reads, “Sometimes it’s those quiet achievers who can make just as big an impact without having to be ostentatious about it."
Creativity is fun! Everyone is creative in one way or another. We lose ourselves in creative projects and time flies. But creative activities also need some structure if they are to lead to something that is both novel and useful. Your creative processes must be managed, reviewed and constantly adapted.
Creativity is ‘a central source of meaning in our lives’ and ‘the mysterious process by which men and women come up with new ideas and new things’ (Csizszentmihalyi, 1997). You have the ability ‘to move beyond what currently exists to generate and implement new ideas’ (Ward, 2004). Creative products, services and experiences must be novel and useful (Runco, 2014). Creativity is not limited to art or music. All areas of life contain creativity – unleash yours!
Being creative is a building block of being an entrepreneur. You replace the old with something new, which can be thought of as ‘creative destruction’ (Schumpeter, 1934). Entrepreneurship involves taking an idea, building a product, service or experience around it, and finding someone who will buy into it or even buy it! Each of these activities require intense commitment and motivation. Imagination and boldness play central roles (Kirzner, 1978). Entrepreneurs often display characteristics such as openness, curiousity, willingness to work crazy hours, great support from family and friends, ability to say ‘I was wrong’, understanding of customer needs. But there is no single recipe that makes a great entrepreneur!